Tourist Sites in greater-accra


Osu Castle

Christiansborg Castle (Osu Castle), commonly known as Fort Christiansborg or just the Castle, is a 17th-century castle on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf of Guinea, near Ghana’s capital Accra. The first large fort was built by the Danes, and it has since passed through the hands of Denmark, Norway, Portugal, the Akwamu, Britain, and eventually post-independence Ghana. Christiansborg Castle is also remarkable among castles and forts in that it served as the seat of government in Ghana for the most of its existence, with a few exceptions, until the Jubilee House was built.The castle is the most visited among all the tourist sites in Greater Accra Region.


Independence Square

One of Ghana’s most prominent tourist attractions is Independence Square (also known as “Black Star Square”). The Independence Arch, Black Star Gate, and the Liberation Day Monument are among the memorials honoring Ghana’s independence war, which were completed in 1961.After Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, Independence Square is the world’s second largest city square. The Black Star Square, which has a capacity of roughly 30,000 people, is the venue of Ghana’s Independence Day parades, which take place every year on March 6th, as well as all significant national public gatherings and national festivals.As of 2011, the Independence Arch is guarded by many soldiers who ban individuals from photographing the Arch up close and ask visitors for official authorization, however you are free to photograph the surrounding area. There’s also a fantastic view of the Gulf of Guinea.


Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park

It’s a national park dedicated to Osagyefo Doctor Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president. The park was established on the site of a former British polo field, which also happens to be where Nkrumah declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1957.The park is five acres in size and houses a museum dedicated to Nkrumah’s life. There are numerous personal objects on display, but the mausoleum, which is where Nkrumah and his wife are buried, is the focal point. The Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park & Mausoleum is a must-see for everyone interested in learning more about our first president and Ghana’s history.